In times of war, Suspilne (UA:PBC) has proven to be one of the most trusted sources of information for the population of Ukraine. Suspilne is the MediaFit programme’s main partner, with a secondary goal of deepening the strategic cooperation between leading public broadcasters in Europe.
Co-production of Short-format Films
Canal France International (CFI), the leading French media development organisation, is supporting Suspilne operationally during the war, with a focus on audiovisual content support.
CFI is supporting the production of short-format films and documentaries. Aligned with Suspilne’s strategic priorities, the co-productions focus on documenting the realities of war and informing Ukrainian citizens.
Trainings for UA:PBC
The training activities aim to support and accompany the team in dealing with stress and traumas the war may cause, by providing Suspilne team with psychological support.
Another aspect of the training programme is on building capacities of UA:PBC on the principles and processes of documentary co-production. The objective is to optimise the financial planning of audiovisual programmes and support the diversity of formats to increase the popularity of the public broadcaster, in particular among younger generations.